How To Find Creativity When You're Feeling Overwhelmed (Even if You're Not Creative)

Fear Is Real. Burnout Is Real. Fatigue Is Real...

So let's talk about it!

Have you ever considered actively creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people?

Do you acknowledge the good in front of you despite the not so good in the environment?

If “not so much” is your answer, let’s explore how we can begin to form this habit now, shall we?



Burnout has become a widespread epidemic too.

In May 2019 the WHO included burnout as an occupational phenomenon in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases. Are you in a constant state of exhaustion and overwhelm?

There’s no need to wear the busy badge of honor...

Spoiler alert - there’s no prize for it!

Instead, when we face tough circumstances, I invite you to take a more proactive approach to be more in tune with your emotional state.

So First Things First OWN The Problem

I knew I had a problem to sort out that morning...

So 20 minutes later, there I was in the hall of this gray block looking building asking for Mr. Wu, and indeed, it was real, someone went to fetch him.

Mr. Wu nicely explained that the nature of my business (written on my business license) wasn’t in order because I was missing the word “fresh” in the description.

For real, one word?


Then again it was no joke, it took 10 days to reissue my license, and to be able to re-open my shop. And the instant I walked out of his office I called Lauraine, the owner of the yoga studio I was regularly attending.

Lauraine, I need space to breathe, may I come in now?

Yes, there’s no class but you’re welcome to step in!

And, so I did. She opened the door for me and left right away. She knew I needed time to be with myself. As a founder herself, she had been there.

I sat to breathe to find my creativity and spirit

For how long? … for as long as I needed… I got up once I felt peace. For sure it was a couple of hours, and here are the breathing exercises I used to regulate my nervous system after such terrible news:

  • Kapalabati or the flutter breath. Close your eyes. Take a short, quick breath in throught the nose with a blow and contract the belly in. Focus on the exhale and let the inhale become a natural reflect by removing any paise between the inhale and the exhale. Speed up the breath. Keep the movement in your belly connected with the breath. Repeat for a 108 times!

  • Nadi Shodana or alternate nostril breath. Close your eyes and place your left hand on your left knee and bring the right hand to your nose. Exhale fully out of your nose before you begin. Using your right thumb to close your right nostril inhale through the left nostril, immediately close your left nostril with your index finder and open the right nostril to exhale. repeat switching sides to complete one cycle. Continue for at least 8 times.

  • Brahmari or humming breath. Close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose slow and deep for a count of five with your mouth closed, hum it out until you are out of breath. Repeat 8 times.

  • Simhasana or lion’s breath. Keeping your eyes open, softly gaze at the tip of your nose. Put your hands on your knees. take a deep breath in through your nose, open your mouth and stick your tongue out as you squeeze your throat muscle exhaling out your mouth. Repeat 3 times

  • Savasana or corps pose. Laying comfortably on the ground place your arms comfortably by your body palms facing up. Spread your legs wider than your hips and let your feet drop to the sides. Relax your jaw, forehead and stomach. Breathe in and out through your nose and consciously relax every part of your body. Stay here for as long as you need, let your body heal from the inside.

Since that day, as a yogini in tune with the cycles and ambitious business woman, I found the way to auto regulate my nervous system and come back to my Self recharged no matter the circumstance using my breath.

Give it a try and let me know how it feels!


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