How To Find Your Voice To Network in a Systematic Way

If you were to ask me to name my top 3 activities in business, networking will certainly be at the top, no doubt. Facilitating human connections and business relationships has a special place in my heart. You might ask yourself it’s a no-brainer we need people to move the needle forward in life and business, and I’ll say, that’s right. However, there’s an art to building relationships that last and stand the test of time. This indeed if one can foster relationships, only if you care. Let’s explore how!

The Dangers Of Social Isolation

These days while social isolation becomes the new norm we get the chance to miss much more “hanging out” with other humans, mainly the ones we know. However, the ones we’re yet to meet stand in line for one day to come, and I find it’s a shame to miss such opportunities because great connections and friendships await on you.



Of isolation or distance, as we experience it today?

It’s simple, get active networking online. Done. I’ve said it. Sure. But it’s easier said than done in reality.

Why? Our human condition first lifts the bar of protection when we see strangers as threats. Hence, we disregard the contact of an unknown person right of the bat fearing that you’ll get hurt. I know that feeling, I’ve been there. What I’ve done then is go straight to their profile to “study” who they are and what we have in common.

The Truth Though Is That Nothing Can Happen To You

Online strangers can not harm you, and you can always hit delete, block, report, or unfollow at any time. On the other hand, you could be missing a great opportunity, and insightful conversations with potential long-lasting friendships if you refuse to click the accept button.

It All Comes Down To Choice

Dare to step into the unknown or not, that is the question! In my days working and living in Shanghai networking was a big part of my weekly agenda. I met people at networking events and ballrooms that till today are part of my network, and some have become lifelong friends. So, if you ask me, I’ll say hit the accept button right away.

Now, it’s crucial to realize that online, your profile your “online blueprint” will attract the right or wrong kind of people. Hence, putting some effort into polishing your content will portrait the real you on any platform. And, that brings me to the key factor in this equation, finding your voice.

That Means Being Authentically You...

The importance is simple, first, you don’t want to attract the wrong crowd, and second, you don’t want to mislead somebody from who you truly are offline. Furthermore, your uniqueness will help to increase “eyeballs” on your profile and the probability to start conversations that will lead to the next level in building a healthy business partnership otherwise.

Finding your voice might sound a bit “Joo Joo” when we’re first starting because to some it’s portraying your best face out there, leaving your essence out of the game. Unfortunately, that will make your copy sound stale and nobody wants to hang out with people without chuspa.

Getting Started On Working On Your Voice Has Many Angles

The trick is to get started, don’t overthink it. Get started by listing 3 topics you can speak about endlessly without much effort. These 3 will become your content silos. If these topics are your hobbies, your line of work, or your current interest, people will be attracted to you to speak about that specifically.

It’s sort of speaking the same language.


And most importantly allow for visibility from your settings. As if when someone knocks on your door at home, you welcome them into your living room to sit, what would they find there? Your online living room is your profile so own it with images and copy that resembles your ideal environment.

And last but not least, be proactive, reach out to connect, and start conversations...

This Last Point Is The Hardest Of Them All

Because it requires time and effort but think about it as attending that one networking event. Once you’re at the event you spend at least two hours mingling. Online it can be much less but still, you’ve got to spend some time and have fun while at it.


Nowadays to network online is quite simple thanks to the autoresponders and bots that can facilitate short-form conversations. I’m a huge fan of automatization, don’t get me wrong, but when it comes to bonding it’s not the same energy when another human is answering your messages on the other side compared to a bot.

So, what I refer to and promote is to get systematic at the frequency you spend on this task. Don’t let it be one more daily distraction, rather, dedicate 30’ daily with intention and purpose. Then put it away, until next time. Systems facilitate life in general, and they for sure will facilitate keeping up with your social life online too.

I truly enjoy creating signature systems that enhance your expertise and make it easier for you to share your knowledge in multiple ways. However, it took years of work to find my voice, and some more to start sharing.

So Know I’m Holding You Accountable

No matter what, the wait is over!

With that said, come on over to meet me, I look forward to your DM in text or voice form. And do me a favor, find me on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook as Andrea Cristancho, Coach, let’s connect. To your success, catch up soon


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